Education Loan EMI Calculator Loan Amount 1L 5Cr Tenure (months) 12 360 Interest Rate 6% 18% Equated Monthly Installment (EMI) will be 8606
HPSCB Loan : Features Education loan for pursuing higher education in India & Abroad. No collateral security 7 margin up to ₹ 4.00 Lakhs. Margin only above ₹ 4.00 Lakh : For Studies in India- 5%. For Studies Abroad - 15%. Quantum of Loan - Studies in India - Maximum up to ₹ 10.00Lakh. Studies Abroad - Maximum up to ₹ 20.00Lakh. Repayment - Up to 7.50 lakhs:- 10 years. Above 7.50 lakhs:- 15 years. No prepayment penalty. Moratorium period -(Course period + 1 Year) Or 6 Months after getting jo , whichever is earlier Top up loan also available
HPSCB Loan : Eligibility The students should be an Indian National. Should have secured admission for higher education course in recognized Institutions in India or Abroad.
HPSCB Loan : Documents Application on the prescribed format Bonafide resident certificate Copy of selection certificate with Fee details Copy of academic record & Matric certificate certifying DOB DDO undertaking of employee Guarantor statement Irrevocable undertaking of employee Collateral security documents